by Minick Law | Jul 10, 2018 | How to Build a Legal Practice, Miscellaneous
The Blueprint: Designing the Purpose of Your Legal Business Chapter 1: Answering the Question “Why Do We Do What We Do?” “People don’t buy what you do; they buy why you do it.” – Simon Sinek “But why?” says the annoying kid in response to your fifth attempt to...
by Lance Williams | Mar 23, 2018 | DUI DWI, Miscellaneous
Now you have to pay to challenge the DMV. Prior to January 2018, if you had a pending license suspension or needed restoration, you could request a hearing with the DMV. It was fairly straightforward, you mailed off a request to the DMV hearing division; they would...
by Minick Law | Feb 9, 2018 | Miscellaneous
James “Jake” Minick was awarded the honor of being selected as a Super Lawyers Rising Star for 2018 in the area of DUI/DWI Defense. Super Lawyers research department evaluates each lawyer in its candidate pool based on 12 indicators of peer recognition and...
by Minick Law | Jul 19, 2017 | How to Build a Legal Practice, Miscellaneous
What is the most important element in creating a successful law firm? Your employees? Your marketing strategy? Your legal knowledge? While all of these things are tremendously important to the success of a law firm, they should not be the starting point of discussion...
by Minick Law | Sep 22, 2016 | How to Build a Legal Practice, Miscellaneous
Operating In A World Of Immediate Response (Part II) Operating in a World of Immediate Response Building A Legal Practice Designed To Last, Part II We live in a world where immediate response is no longer going above and beyond but rather the base expectation from a...
by Minick Law | Jun 22, 2016 | Miscellaneous
Today, June 22, we celebrate the Feast Day of Thomas More. I start many days at the office with the Lawyer’s Prayer to Thomas More (see below). This beautiful prayer written by the Center of Thomas More Studies always helps me to focus my work intentions on the right...