On today’s episode, special guest Chas Post is back on the podcast. Chas, an NC Bar board-certified specialist in criminal law, was the first attorney guest to come on the show back on Episode 6. In today’s conversation, Chas and Jake offer 10 ways that DWI defense lawyers can level up their game. If you are looking for a way to kick start your professional development in 2023, this episode is for you!
Listen as Chas explains the importance of case preparation and the value of patience in the timeline of a DWI case.
Hear Jake and Chas discuss the value of asking the DWI trial gurus in your neck of the woods out to lunch and observing them in action in the courtroom.
Gain insight into the reason that traffic and DWI defense lawyers add value to their clients when they work on their businesses instead of in them.
Discover why Chas thinks it is so important to be yourself when you market your firm and try cases and avoid imposter syndrome at all costs.
Special Announcement: Chas will be speaking on Communicating Your Brand During the Initial Consult at the inaugural Freedom Fighters Summit in October. Don’t miss this!!