On today’s episode, NHTSA training guru Anthony Palacios is back on the podcast to discuss what a DRE brings to the investigation and eventually to the courtroom on a drug impaired driving case. After discussing the extensive training and experience that DRE officers receive, Anthony will also address the increasing lack of utilization of DRE officers nationwide as well as what is responsible for this decline.
Listen to Anthony spell out the extensive training, both in the classroom and in the field, that DRE certified officers receive.
Learn about the 12-step evaluation performed by a DRE on a driver suspected to be impaired by drugs.
Uncover key differences between NHTSA’s ARIDE training and DRE program.
Discover the limitations that a non-DRE officer has when it comes to giving opinion testimony about specific impairing substances in a DUI case.
Special Announcement: Anthony will be speaking on Becoming the SFST Courtroom Expert at the inaugural Freedom Fighters Summit in October. Don’t miss this!!