On today’s episode Jake continues his a 3-part series on maximizing your daily routines to accomplish big long-term goals. Jake begins today’s discussion of how to maximizing your daily and weekly schedule by sharing the opening story from Will Smith’s autobiography. Smith discusses how the seemingly impossible task of building a wall starts with laying the perfect brick right now. Listen as Jake shares five practical tips for maximizing your daily and weekly schedule and making sure you are just busy, but instead that you’re are investing your time on the right priorities.



Discover how to implement a weekly planning session devoted to maximizing next week’s schedule.


Uncover the importance of carving out several sacred uninterrupted blocks of time to work on the top priorities of your week.


Listen as Jake explains why he schedules time to be interrupted and how to turn interruptions from a negative into a positive.


Learn how to put first things first on your daily schedule and attack your priorities when you are sharpest.

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