On today’s episode Federal District Court Judge Robert Conrad sits down with Jake to discuss his new book Keeping Their Souls While Losing Their Heads. Judge Conrad’s work looks at the lives of Saints John Fisher and Thomas More and the great life lessons that we can draw from these two incredible men in our own day and time. Due to his experience as a federal judge, federal prosecutor and defense lawyer, Judge Conrad’s in depth look at the lives of these two great saints is often through the lens of an attorney. While a great read for anyone interested in learning about Fisher and More or focused on self-improvement, Judge Conrad’s discussion of these two figures is particularly applicable for the modern attorney.
Discover why Judge Conrad believes that one of the lessons flowing from Fisher and More is that “the pursuit of truth is a costly thing.”
Listen to Judge Conrad discuss the value of being detached in the legal profession and how this can equip us to be better lawyers but more importantly happier people.
Learn what Fisher and More believed leading a “significant life” looked like and why this is so important for professionals in prestigious fields such as the law.
Hear Judge Conrad and Jake discuss the importance, following Fisher’s example, of speaking your conscience even when you are seemingly alone in your convictions.