Wilmington criminal defense attorney Gint Krulikas

Wilmington criminal defense attorney Gint Krulikas

Being charged with Possession of Marijuana in Wilmington, NC, can be cause an immediate stress and fear of the unknown. Not only do almost all drug offenses carry a possibility of jail time, but they also can result in serious collateral consequences with your job or education. This is especially true for students at Cape Fear Community College or UNCW. However, although this charge is serious, with the proper guidance and legal representation of a criminal defense attorney, this does not have to be a life changing or defining event.


Possession of Marijuana

Generally, the most common drug related offense we are contacted about is Possession of Marijuana. This can generally be attributed to both the amount of college students in the Wilmington area and the common use of marijuana as recreational drug. Luckily, in recent years, the North Carolina legislature has realized how prevalent marijuana use has become and has reduced the severity of the charge of possession marijuana (as long as it is under 1.5 ounces). For the most part, for a first time offender, the charge can range anywhere from a misdemeanor to simply a finable offense. However, possession of more than 1.5 ounces of marijuana is still a felony, which can carry with it a long-term jail sentence and/or large fines.


It is important to note, even if certain categories of possession of marijuana can simply be paid as a fine, it is still a criminal offense and not a traffic infraction like a speeding ticket. As such, it still creates a mark on an individual’s permanent criminal record and carries consequences like: problems with keeping or obtaining employment, potential suspension by schools, or even affecting the ability to obtain certain government benefits. Additionally, repeat offenders may face increased punishments and fines.


Possession of Marijuana Defense Strategies

Depending on your charges, there are a variety of strategies that a criminal defense attorney may be able to employ. Ideally, if it is your first offense, an attorney may be able to get your charges dismissed or disposed of through the use of deferred prosecution or a conditional discharge. However, if that is not possible, then the charge may be handled through a plea deal with the District Attorney or through a trial on the charges. However, because each case is different, the outcome of your individual case will depend highly on the facts and circumstances involved.


Contact Us

If you have been charged with possession of marijuana in New Hanover, Brunswick, Pender, or Onslow county, don’t hesitate to Contact Us at Minick Law, P.C. for a FREE CONSULTATION to determine what the best possible strategy or approach will be for your case.


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