by Minick Law | Jun 16, 2021 | Asheville Posts, DUI DWI
If you have been charged with a DWI, and the State subsequently got a warrant (or your consent) to take a sample of your blood, you are unfortunately facing a long waiting game before the DWI blood results come back from the State Bureau of Investigation (SBI) Lab in...
by Minick Law | Jun 16, 2021 | Asheville Posts, Criminal Law
If you have been charged with a crime in Mars Hill, North Carolina, one of the options for handling your case is to apply for Deferred Prosecution. Regardless of whether you have been charged by a Highway Patrolman, a Mars Hill Police Officer, the Mars Hill Campus...
by Minick Law | Jun 16, 2021 | Asheville Posts, DUI DWI
Have you ever wondered what the consequences of underage drinking are? Did you know that drinking underage could be the most expensive drink of your life?
by Minick Law | Jun 16, 2021 | Asheville Posts, Criminal Law
Quick Guide on what to do with a speeding ticket in Asheville. Possible outcomes and potential consequences discussed.
by Minick Law | Feb 1, 2016 | Asheville Posts, Miscellaneous
The Asheville DUI attorneys at the Minick Law Firm is a proud sponsor of “SLOW DOWN ASHEVILLE”; a public safety campaign designed to help motorists drive safely on Asheville’s busy and narrow roadways. Along with co-sponsors by N.C. Farm Bureau and...
by Minick Law | Oct 7, 2013 | Asheville Posts, Miscellaneous
In Asheville, North Carolina, biking is both a recreational activity and an alternative means of transportation. Due to the close proximity of the Blue Ridge Parkway, both mountain and road biking are quite popular among both Asheville residents and tourists alike....