Jacksonville DUI LAWYERS

Coastal defense from our Jacksonville DUI lawyers

We give good people the defense plan they need to fight the legal consequences of their charge, and keep their life moving forward.

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The testimonials and endorsements listed do not reflect all of the feedback the firm has received. Each case is unique and must be evaluated on its individual merits. Prior results do not guarantee a similar outcome.

How We Help

Reduce the Legal Consequences

Criminal charges can result in the loss your job, license, reputation, and even jail.  Know the legal consequences and then work hard to reduce, or erase, them.

Don’t Face the Law Alone

Being charged with a DWI, criminal, or traffic offense and facing the law is intimidating and isolating. Work with a defense team that fights and cares for you.

Get Clarity with the Unknown

Getting charged with a criminal offense and trying to navigate the legal process is often disorienting and overwhelming. Get the answers you want and the plan you need to get your life back on track.

DUI Defense

Our DUI defense team is here to help.

Receiving a DUI charge can be terrifying time in your life. At Minick Law, P.C., our Jacksonville DUI lawyers are part of a team focused on DUI Defense.

A driving while impaired (DWI) or driving under the influence (DUI) arrest can mean jail time and court fines, loss of driving privileges, increased insurance rates, employment consequences, and financial uncertainty.

Our Jacksonville DUI Defense team will work with you to create a detailed action plan on your case to achieve the best possible outcome and avoid the negative legal and financial impacts of a DUI charge.

DUI Lawyers

DUI Lawyers Jacksonville, NC

Minick Law, P.C. of Jacksonville delivers aggressive, yet compassionate, DWI Defense on the coast of North Carolina.

Our office is conveniently located near the Jacksonville mall, and our staff is standing by to assist you with your case. Our Jacksonville DUI lawyers are natives of North Carolina and understand the complexities of its legal landscape, as well as the nature of the NC court systems.

Attorney Gint Krulikas graduated from the Charlotte School of Law and concentrates his practice in DWI Defense. He dedicates personal and professional time daily towards understanding DWI law and building defense plans.

Our Jacksonville DUI lawyers have passed and completed the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration’s course on DUI Detection and Standardized Field Sobriety Testing. Minick Law, P.C. of Jacksonville is here to help!

Our Approach

Get strategic DUI defense.

In order to prepare a thorough defense to your DUI charge, it is important to know how police officers and district attorneys investigate and prosecute DUI cases.

Our Jacksonville DUI lawyers handle all types of Driving While Impaired (DWI) charges, including: Habitual DWI, Felony Driving While Impaired, Federal Driving Under Influence (DUI charged on Federal lands or parkway), and Drug Related Impaired Driving cases (including marijuana DWI charges).

Aiming to achieve the best possible outcome on your case, our Jacksonville DUI lawyers dedicate themselves towards studying DUI law and DUI Defense strategies so that you have the information you need during one of life’s most trying times. We want to inform you about your case and answer any questions you have about the courtroom, driving, and life consequences of your DUI charge.

Contact our Jacksonville Office

Minick Law, P.C. of Jacksonville

Address: 200 Valencia Dr, Jacksonville, NC 28546

Phone: (910) 300-9994Fax: (828) 212-4300

Cities We Serve: Beaufort, Clinton, Jacksonville, Kenansville, New Bern, and Trenton.
Counties We Serve: Carteret, Craven, Duplin, Jones, Onslow, and Sampson.

FAQs for Jacksonville DUI Lawyers

How Are You Different From Other Jacksonville DUI Lawyers?

At Minick Law, we work hard to ensure that our trials have the best possible chance of winning. Both our Jacksonville firm and our individual attorneys are extremely focused on case preparation. Whether your case involves facing multiple police officers, taking on the state of North Carolina, we have the time and subpoena power to bring people into court and call on expert witnesses.

We also place a great emphasis on communication. Our Jacksonville attorney, Gint Krulikas, will answer any question and walk you through your entire case, while keeping in constant contact. Additionally, he concentrates on DWI cases; utilizing continuous alcohol monitoring and inpatient treatment for serious DWIs, as well as connections to local resources.

Will I Go to Jail if I am Convicted of a DWI in North Carolina?

While jail time is a possibility for any person convicted of a DWI, the realistic likelihood of jail time depends on a whole number of different factors. The vast majority of people charged with their first DWI are not sentenced to do any active jail time. Jail time is more likely for a person with prior DWI’s, a child in the car, an accident which causes injury to another person or driving on a license which is suspended for a DWI.

Will I be Allowed to Drive after Getting a DWI?

There are many driving consequences that can arise from a DWI. The length of suspensions related to DWI and the requirements for license reinstatement vary greatly depending on a number of factors, including: prior DWI charges, the blood/breath alcohol concentration (BAC) at the time of the DWI charge, and whether the driver’s license was suspended at the time of the charge. For a first offense DWI case in North Carolina, a person’s license will be suspended for one year. Most people convicted of their first offense will be able to get a limited driving privilege that will allow them to drive for work, educational, treatment, and religious purposes.

How Much Money Will Getting a DWI Cost Me?

The financial consequences of a DWI are significant and can include: attorney’s fees, court costs and fines, increases in auto insurance premiums, the cost of obtaining an alcohol assessment and completing any recommended treatment, continuous alcohol monitoring, inpatient treatment, and impact on employment.

Should I have been read my Miranda Rights during my DWI Arrest?

In North Carolina, officers frequently do not read Miranda rights at the time of a DWI arrest and often a suspect is never advised of Miranda rights during the entire encounter with police. In the context of a DWI arrest, the lack of Miranda warnings is not likely to result in a dismissal of charges. Most of the time statements made by a DWI suspect after arrest are not particularly important in the State’s prosecution. The suspect’s statements and field sobriety tests prior to arrest combined with a blood or breath alcohol result may be enough for the State to proceed to trial on a DWI charge.

Get the defense you need from a law firm that cares.

Gint Krulikas


Gint Krulikas graduated Magna Cum Laude from the Charlotte School of Law in Charlotte, NC.


Learn More
At law school, he was a Presidential Honor’s Scholar, a recipient of a full merit scholarship, Associate Editor of the Property Law Journal, and a member of the Order of the Crown. Gint also graduated Magna Cum Laude from Appalachian State University with a degree in Business Management. 

Gint has successfully completed the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration’s course on DWI Detection and Standardized Field Sobriety Testing, the same 24 hour course that police officers throughout the nation undergo to properly investigate DWI’s.  

Jacksonville DWI News & Resources

  • Courtroom Etiquette

DWI Costs in North Carolina

If you have been charged with a DWI, there are probably a million questions and worries that are running through your mind. However, probably the most important question you have is, “how much is this going to cost me?” While...

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