by Blake Marcus | May 17, 2018 | (DWI) Famous Cases, DUI DWI
Traffic stops have long been instrumental in the development of 4th Amendment jurisprudence. For years, officers were allowed to extend traffic stops so long as the extension was de minimus (negligible) and the Court has long held 7 to 8 minutes is a lawful extension...
by Minick Law | Aug 25, 2016 | (DWI) Famous Cases, DUI DWI
This article is written as an outline for North Carolina attorneys on how to attack a breath test where your client was denied a witness during chemical testing. In sum, the defense must show three things: (1) the Defendant requested to have a witness present during...
by Minick Law | Aug 10, 2016 | (DWI) Famous Cases, (DWI) Practitioner's Guide, DUI DWI
This article is written as an outline for North Carolina DWI attorneys on how to attack a breath test when your client was denied timely release from custody and/or the magistrate failed to adequately inform your client of the conditions by which your client could...