Adam Everett owner of Everett Law Office, PLLC is a criminal defense lawyer and former prosecutor. However, for today’s purposes Adam’s most relevant experience is the time he spent in the Wake County Detention Center as a North Carolina magistrate judge. Adam conducted countless DWI initial appearances as a magistrate judge and on today’s episode he discusses the initial appearance through that lens.
Learn the environment required (dry, level, smooth, non-slippery surface) for performing the walk and turn and how to utilize poor field conditions in your defense
Understand the type of subject/suspect on which a walk and turn test can be appropriately performed and how your clients age (65), footwear (2+ inch heel) and medical conditions (leg, back, or inner ear) might impact the validity of the W&T
Hear the specific standardized instructions that an officer is supposed to give and demonstrations the officer is supposed to show to the subject/suspect before administering the walk and turn
Discover the clues the officer is looking for during the instruction stage and walking stage of the W&T and more importantly when a specific clue should NOT be notated by the officer during this test